A tee sheet actually made for indoor golf

If you're tired of using that outdoor tee sheet, you've come to the right place. Don't get us wrong, we love outdoor golf. But, you shouldn't be stuck using their tee sheet.

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Get player details right from the tee sheet

View the current reservation and status, account details and booking history. You'll wonder how you ever survived without it.

pipeline view profile
Current reservation status

Did they check in? Did they no-show? Are they playing? Stay on top of what's happening.

individual lead profile
Booking history

Keep track of player trends, and spot no-show problems as they happen.

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Set your tee sheet up just the way you want it

Whether you've got members only, public play, or both, our tee sheet settings let you set things up exactly the way you want.

pipeline view profile
Custom schedules

Set custom tee sheet rules based on the day, or even the hour. Repeating or one-off, we can do it all.

individual lead profile
Rate overrides

Set a public rate for the weekends, a separate one for the holiday and your default one for every other day.

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Stop using software made for someone else.